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Scent Of Uncertainty (The Venus Pack Series Book 1) Page 4
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“Kiddo. That man will be after you at your own mating ceremony. I’m willing to bet nothing short of a deathmatch will crush that man's resolve.” Ben tells me as a matter-of-factly.
“That's what I’m scared of.” I sigh.
Ben turns on the radio for the rest of the drive. Giving me a chance to organize my thoughts before having to face the pack.
I need to keep my shit together. Showing any weakness in front of Greyson and his pack won’t do me any favours. He already thinks its ludicrous for a female to be Alpha of her own pack. No doubt his ego is sore from my refusal to mate with him. But honestly, what woman would? His proposal sounded more like a business agreement. Not exactly how I plan on binding myself to someone for the rest of my days.
And Dominic? My animal interrupts my train of thought.
Dominic. I muse.
Admit it. You would accept any proposal made by him. My wolfs head tilts to the side, waiting for me to deny her claim.
How have you forgiven him so easily? Have you forgotten what that night was like? I question her.
No. She admits. But that night would have happened even if he was there. We cannot hold the sins of the past against someone who had no control over it.
How can she sound so far beyond our years? A shifter’s animal is usually on the wilder side of the coin. More instinct, then sense. So how in the hell is she making more sense than I am.
Your right. I surrender, not in the mood to get into it with the animal.
Maybe she has a point. After all, is it really fair for me to hold this over his head? He’s more than likely not even aware of how much he hurt me. He didn’t seem aware of it when he was telling me to ditch my supposed lover.
“What’s that now?”
Glancing towards Ben, I see a curious look in his eyes.
Shit, I said that out loud.
“Nothing.” I snip, annoyed at myself.
“How’s Dominic? Jenni wants to stop by and see him. Her excitement is infectious.” Ben’s voice warms as he speaks of his mate.
“He’s back at the house. He looks- good.” I tell Ben, keeping my voice as even as I can while my wolf rolls onto her back. Hussy. Such a hussy.
“Follow her instincts, Kiddo. Your wolf won’t lead you wrong.”
“We’re here.” Ben announces, silencing my next question.
He’s not wrong. A dozen headlights up ahead signal our arrival at the meeting spot. Pulling into a parking space next to a familiar convertible, I unbuckle the seatbelt.
“Everything will be grand Rachel, try not to let the current situation colour your mood tonight.” With that piece of advice, Ben hops out the truck, heading straight for Henry, my Grandpa’s old Beta turned fishing buddy.
Looking around, I easily spot the pack’s newest mated pair. Josh a wolf shifter from Stonehart and Katrina a raven shifter from a flock on the east coast. The pair are huddled together off to the side of the gathering. Whispering and giggling to themselves, blissfully unaware of the people around them. Or the danger we all face. A twinge of jealously settles in the pit of my stomach at their open display.
“Rae!” Maddi’s urgent call takes my attention from a very pregnant looking Kat. Turning, I greet my best friend, accepting her embrace. “God, am I glad you’re here.” She sighs. “The Bloodmaw pack are a little much.” She admits, nudging her head towards the unfamiliar shifters, obviously trying to keep to themselves.
“It’s fine.” I assure her. “I’m here now and we can get this run underway. Then you an go home and drown yourself in a tub of B&J” I chuckle, knowing full well that’s her intended plan. Manly because that is our usual afterparty routine. Not tonight, though. My wolf growls softly.
No, not tonight. I agree. Tonight, we’re going straight home after the run. Hopefully, Dominic will be asleep by that time.
“There she is. My favourite wolf.”
Maddi makes a face, and I suppress a shiver. I knew I’d have to see him eventually this evening. But still.
“Greyson.” I greet, turning on the spot. I watch as he slowly prowls towards me. Openly assessing my outfit with his hungry gaze. Ick! Way to make a girl feel like a piece of meat. Asshole.
“You look ravishing as always. Have you given anymore thought to joining me? We would have strong pups, you and I.” The obvious desire in his eyes does nothing for me. Again, ick!
I notice the surrounding females from both packs, giving him goggle eyes, and I start to doubt myself. Is there’s something wrong with me if this many females covet the male coming to stand in my personal space? Or is this the work of his Alpha vibes drawing the more submissive wolfs to him? That would explain why it’s not having the same effect on me.
I appraise the Alpha, trying to see what the others are finding wanting.
Kinked out jet black hair framing emerald eyes. Tanned skin natural for a shifter consider how long we spend outdoors. His face is freshly shaven, showing off his chiselled jaw and mouth. Separate his face should be handsome or even sexy, but somehow Greyson makes it look mean and unforgiving. Odd.
“Is your wolf ready to run? I know mine is itching to play.” Again there is a flare of desire in those dark green depths that does nothing for me.
Ignoring his taunt, I wave for him to lead the way. Wanting this night over with so I can be back at home.
Chapter Three
The face of a wolf
Watching Rae walk away wearing that sexy as fuck outfit almost had me foaming at the mouth. The fabric was barely covering her legs, for fuck's sake.
When she left me at the diner. I got my mother to spill the beans on Rae.
According to her, Rae isn't dating right now. In fact, Becca had struggled to think of the last person Rae had dated.
Which begs the question. Why did she lie? I doubt she could have hidden that kind of information from my mother. Becca owns the town diner. Which is the town’s gossip hub.
If Rae really wasn’t interested in starting anything up with me, she would have just come out with it. Instead, she lied to my face about seeing someone else. Was she trying to make me jealous? Because the picture of her with someone else certainly did the trick.
I remember the first time she made me jealous. She had gotten drunk in the woods. A few students had started a party in the middle of the night and being the rebellious type, Rae had gone.
When her brothers had found out that she had snuck out, they went into a rage. Not wanting to wake up their parents. Liam called me for some backup. He was under the impression that Rae would somehow listen to me. So at two-thirty in the morning, Liam, Cam, Kye and I scouted the woods. It wasn't difficult to find the large crowd thanks to their loud music and senseless yelling.
Luckily, I was the one to find Rae. Sitting on a fallen log surrounded by several guys and a couple females. They appeared to be playing truth or dare with a spinning bottle. That was pointing to a swaying Rae.
“So? Who’s it gonna be, Row Row?'' One of the giggling girls asked. I recognized her from Rae’s house. Emily? Lisa? The girl's name kept eluding me. Ignoring the groans from the people I was pushing out the way. My only thought was to get to the drunken female as she searched for someone in the crowd of faces around her.
All looking far too excited for my liking.
“Rae.” I growl once she's within arm’s reach.
Turning to face me. Rae struggles to get her eyes to focus.
“Dom!” She squeals loudly. Hurting my ears.
A round of Oo’s and no’s sounded around the both of us.
Not caring for their game. I bring my arms around the giggling Rae. Lifting her into a more comfortable position against my chest. Extracting myself from the drunk group of teens.
“Where are we going?” Rae giggles, sounding nervous.
Looking down at the prize resting in my arms.
“I’m taking you home, Kitten.” I tell her in a disapproving tone.
> Frowning at me. “Are you gonna kiss me?” Rae questions with a beautiful blush colouring her cheeks and a slight slur in her words..
Dumbfounded, I almost lost my balance.
Stopping on the outskirts of the party. I stare down at Rae. Wondering if I had heard her correctly.
“You want me to kiss you?” I ask, needing to be sure.
Nodding her head, Rae’s face goes from pink to bright red.
“That was my dare. I had to pick someone to kiss.” She explains.
A dare?
That’s what I was to her?
Shaking my head. I carry on back towards my car. Loads of people saw me leave with her. It won't take long for Liam and the others to figure it out that their sister is with me and head home.
Settling her into the passenger seat. I kneel, so we are at eye level. Equals.
Hope flares in Rae’s eyes and I have to remind myself that she is intoxicated and would never ask me to kiss her if she were sober.
“I’m not going to kiss you Rae.” I tell her gently. Hating myself the moment her face drops.
A tear runs down her cheek. The glistening track it leaves breaks my heart.
“Hey, hey. Why are you crying, Kitten?” I whisper, wiping away her tears with the pad of my thumb.
“Everyone is gonna think I’m such a loser.” She sniffs.
Because I didn't kiss her when she was drunk? What kind of friends was my Kitten hanging around with?
“I’ve-” She bites her bottom lip.
“What? Kitten?” I nudge. Pushing the hair from her face.
“I’ve never had a kiss before.” She admits. Shocking me for the second time in under ten minutes.
Rae looks everywhere but at me.
She’s never been kissed? Ever?
“You were daring away your first kiss?”
Shrugging her shoulders. “Cindy said it wasn't a big deal.”
Who the hell was Cindy? How dare she tell her that bull-.
“Rae. Your first kiss should mean something. You don't get a second first.” I reason. “You should share it with someone you care about and who cares about you. Someone who will cherish the gift you are giving them.”
“Like you?” She asks.
Sighing, I shake my head. “Kitten, I will not kiss you while your-”
Thrusting herself forwards, Rae’s soft lips crash onto mine. Stealing the next words out of my mouth. And all my thoughts on being a gentleman.
Her lips are soft and plump under my own.
The kiss is simple.
When she lets out a small sigh against my lips, I groan against hers. Sinking my fingers into her hair, I angle her head, giving myself better access to her mouth. Opening to her, I lick across her bottom lip.
Encouraging her to let me in.
When I gain access to her mouth, I no longer have the strength to hold myself back. I eat at her mouth, swallowing the moans she emits. When her tongue tentatively seeks mine, I almost come in my boxers.
Pulling away from her warmth, I have to lock down my joints to stop myself from diving for her again.
Bringing my fingers up to my lips, I swear I can still feel her there.
Shaking myself out of the memory. I take myself on a tour of Rae’s house. Not like I need one. I spent as much time in it as Rae did growing up. The only actual difference is that Rae has taken over the master bedroom. That was once James and Malinda’s room.
Everything changed the night they were killed. Rae, Liam, Kye and Cam lost their mother and father. While I had a giant bomb dropped on me. The counsel had cottoned on to that fact I had awoken my magic. And had very little knowledge of how to control it.
My world changed that night.
But I’m back now. I’m back to reclaim what was always meant to be mine.
After doing a full circuit of the house. I realise Rae had forgotten to bring in my luggage. It must be in her truck still.
The one she had taken to her so-called date.
Well, date or not, looks like I'm about to gate-crash her night.
I was planning on doing just that anyway. At Least Rae forgetting my bags gives me a good reason for interrupting her evening.
Grabbing my cell phone from the kitchen counter. I send off a message to Greyson, letting him know I’m in town.
Once the message is sent, I open the tracking app I had installed. Going through a list of items attached to the program. I hit the laptop icon.
Waiting a couple seconds, the phone pings. Looking at the screen shows the laptop is deep in the wooded area of the property.
Why would Rae drive into the woods?
And that far in? Does she not have a survival instinct?
Or is she still into going to crazy parties in the middle of the night?
Pocketing the small device. I grab my coat and head out, remembering to lock the door with the secret key in the fake rock. Some things never change.
Jogging around the back of the house. I make my way towards the woods lining the property. Thanks to the dropping temperatures, my breath appears as white clouds in front of my face.
After a brisk thirty-minute walk. Voices begin to break the silence.
A lot of voices.
Oh, Kitten. What have you gotten yourself into this time?
Staying low and being as quiet as I can. I try to eavesdrop on what the crowd of people are saying.
The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Trouble.
Whispering under my breath in a long since dead language. The wind around me stops. Silent. Concealing my presence.
Keeping to the shadows the car headlights are creating. I risk a glance.
What the hell?
Around fifty people or more are all hanging out in the middle of the forest.
A small podium at the front of the crowd with an angry-looking man standing by it. Lording himself over the rest of the people.
A cult?
Where the fuck is Rae?
I scan the crowd desperately trying to spot the smart mouth brunette. That’s when I see the last person I expected to find out in the middle of nowhere.
The older man was in a deep conversation with another male who was holding a heavily pregnant lady against his side.
“Bloodmaw pack!”
Bloodmaw? As in the wolf pack?
My attention goes back to the podium where the intimidating looking male is addressing the large gathering.
“We are here to join the Venus pack on their run! This is our chance to meet our neighbours and give ourselves over to our baser instincts.” That voice. Fuck, so this is Greyson.
He gives someone behind him a come-hither smile. When those long-toned legs come into view, I curse.
Kitten? Flanking her, Dorian stands at her back looking more vicious then normal.
“Venus pack!” Rae’s voice is strong as she calls for the crowd's attention. Sending dread down my spine.
“Tonight, as we run with the Bloodmaw pack. We run and hunt as one.” Her authority is felt throughout the clearing.
“Follow us.” The male next to Rae instructs.
My confusion quickly turns to shock as I watch the woman I love,` undress in front of most of the town.
Unable to believe what I’m seeing. My eyes eat up every bit of skin Rae exposes to the cold air.
“God Damn.”
Her breasts look like the perfect handful, her waist is trim, dropping into flared hips while those legs seem to go on for miles. Fuck me. Desire bloods my system as images bombard my mind of all the ways I could take the female standing naked in front of the crowd. Completely at ease with her nakedness. Like this is an everyday occurrence.
Murderous rage heats my body when I notice I’m not the only one enjoying the sight of Rae’s nakedness. The asshole next to her has halted in undressing. Instead, he seems content in watching her finish stripping herself bare.
Just when I think my patience
is about to run out. Rae takes off at a spirit and leaps off the small stage they are standing on.
Mouth dropping open. I watch from the shadows, motionless as bones crack and relocate. Rae’s body contorts and changes shape in the air. Her hands and feet turn into padded paws. A tail grows from the base of her spin. Her face elongates into the muzzle. Chocolate coloured fur sprouts all over her body.
Four paws hit the snow-covered ground instead of two feet. Rae has fully transformed into a wolf.
It feels like my eyes bugging out of my head. I just stand in the shadows watching her elegant form dash off into the tree line.
Howls ring out around me as a black, meaner looking wolf lands, and chases off after the chocolate wolf.
More and more, people strip, changing into their canine forms and take off into the treeline.
Falling back against the tree I was hiding by. I mentally curse.